A look at the pro-trans consulting firm that's raking in your tax dollars.
by Eva Kurilova
Early this year, the story broke of a Radio-Canada investigation that found Justin Trudeau's Liberal Government has been giving millions to the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company.
The firm, which was awarded only $2.2 million in federal contracts under the previous Harper government, has seen its federal contracts explode to a total combined value of $101.4 million under Trudeau—a nearly 50-fold increase.
Commentators quickly began to suggest that the firm has had an undue influence over the government as a result, particularly around immigration policy, as a significant portion of its contracts came from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Part of the speculation stems from the fact that Ottawa’s increased immigration goals happen to fall right in line with a 2016 report by Canada’s Advisory Council on Economic Growth. The council was chaired by a man named Dominic Barton, who was the global head of McKinsey at the time.
In 2019, Barton was also appointed Canada's ambassador to China by Trudeau.
However, IRCC was not the only department with McKinsey contracts, and therefore not the only department that may have been influenced by the firm. In fact, more than half of the total value of its contracts ($55.8 million) has come from Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).
One particular contract, which eventually grew to a total value of $27.7 million, was for an “accelerator services project” at the Public Service Pay Centre.
The firm was awarded the contract in February 2020 with a mandate to “increase efficiency and reduce processing times for pay transactions.” The contract was amended in May 2021 to expand across more Pay Centre Teams and again in December 2021 to even more teams, as well as to a new sector.
The contract was described by PSPC as follows:
Under this contract, McKinsey & Company is providing consulting services to transform ways of working, including management practices and tools, to improve both productivity and the experience of our clients and client organizations. They are also implementing strategies to increase efficiency and reduce errors, which will lead to decreased wait time for employees’ pay issues to be processed.
Seems banal enough, but what might be meant by “transforming” ways of working and management practices?
Well, one need only take a look at McKinsey’s own description of its Acceleration Team:
Our Acceleration Team is a global leadership body that accelerates the delivery of our client service and people mission. The team connects leaders of regions and key capabilities, such as People & Diversity, Risk & Resilience, and Finance, to support our firm’s performance and health.
Diversity. That pesky term. Could this mean diversity of thought, belief, and opinion? Likely not. McKinsey & Company is a wholesale distributor of DEI initiatives, with a big focus on gender identity.
In 2021, the firm released a lengthy report titled Being transgender at work.
“Although corporate America has stepped up its public support of LGBTQ+ rights,” the report begins, “it still has a long road ahead to foster a truly inclusive environment for transgender employees.
The report speaks about how “proactive, positive actions promote inclusivity in the workplace” and how important it is to “magnify” the self-esteem of “transgender people.”
It introduces the plight of trans-identified people in the workplace with a few interesting quotations, like this one from a “45-year-old gender-nonconforming man,”
A shared vocabulary in the workplace would be so valuable. When I learned terms like ‘cis,’ it helped me think about things and made it easier to talk about issues with my wife. But how do you explain ‘nonbinary’ to a factory-floor mechanic from Georgia? If my colleagues had the right language, it would make conversations a thousand times easier.
Another “44-year-old transgender/gender-nonconforming man” shared more workplace struggles:
I’ve never been happy about personal-appearance or dress-code policy. I had gorgeous long hair and had to cut it for my job. I was asked specifically to conform to normative standards: short hair, no nail polish. In these parts, that means as cisgender as possible. I would love to make my face up on occasion.
To address such injustices, McKinsey recommends a whole slew of workplace policies that cater to trans-identified people. This includes offering paid time off for “a medical procedure or gender-affirming care” and having “health-insurance plans cover gender-affirmative surgery and hormone therapy.”
Interestingly enough, starting on July 1, 2023, the Public Service Health Care Plan will start providing $75,000 per lifetime for “gender affirmation.” The benefit is described as “for certain gender affirming procedures not covered by provincial/territorial health plans to help people transition to the gender they identify with, or to remove gender identity all together.”
Remove gender identity altogether? What kind of medical procedures are needed to “remove” a gender identity?
Despite the absurdity not only of the coverage amount but of the language used, the Public Service Alliance of Canada called this a “significant victory to protect the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ members” but failed to clarify what exactly this is supposed to do for the LGB.
Back in the McKinsey report of more ideas that our government is sure to take up if it has not done so already, the firm recommends that management should “normalize using a range of pronouns” in email signatures, on name badges, on business cards, and on Zoom.
The report also suggests that HR offer “diversity training” in “gender diversity” and that managers are trained to act when “antitransgender” discrimination occurs.
Other recommendations include displaying the “transgender-pride flag” and celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility and Transgender Awareness Week.
The lead researcher of the report was David Baboolall, a McKinsey associate partner who demands they/them pronouns. Baboolall believes that “education and training” about the transgender experience is necessary for developing more “inclusive” cultures.
As for women? Well, we don't even get to be considered as a separate and distinct sex from men who claim to be women. In its 2022 Women in the Workplace report, McKinsey included a couple of interesting and telling endnotes:
2 In this study, “women” includes cisgender and transgender women.
28 Due to small sample sizes, all women identifying as lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, otherwise non-heterosexual, and/or transgender were analyzed and reported in a single category as LGBTQ+ women.
That’s right: a heterosexual man who declares himself to be a woman is considered by McKinsey to be an “LGBTQ+” woman. This is the firm that is receiving millions of dollars from the Government of Canada.
No, McKinsey & Company cannot be blamed for Canada’s complete and total embrace of gender identity ideology—though it has been whispering in Trudeau’s ear for some time.
In 2021, Gender Dissent already scrutinized McKinsey’s involvement in the Trudeau government, with felicia rembrandt writing, “These then are the financial juggarnauts that Trudeau and his liberal government are playing with… how does a small country with a GDP of only 1.9 trillion assert any weight?”
The seeming influence that this $15-billion-dollar firm has had over our immigration policies calls into question exactly what kind of training was provided as part of its “acceleration services” and what policies came about as a result.
One thing is for certain: McKinsey’s “diversity” initiatives betray the needs of women just as the government has betrayed women’s rights. It is a match made in ideological heaven, and it’s no surprise that Trudeau has seen fit to award his comrades such handsome contracts.
This is the reality of gender identity ideology. It is not grassroots; it is pushed from above by governments and corporations that wield influence across the globe. Unfortunately, the people have fallen for it.
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