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Taking our professional colleges to school

Mary Jean

Updated: Dec 28, 2024

by Mary Jean

Taking our professional colleges to school: Title image

An homage to Amy Hamm, Carolyn Burjoski, Jordan Peterson and more


Membership in a professional college may have its privileges, but in Canada that only applies if:

  1. you believe in "free speech for me, but not for thee," or

  2. you're an adherent of the regime that liberates speech, so long as it’s "party-approved."

Because in Canada, any nurse, teacher or psychologist can expect to be publicly vilified and pilloried for daring to exercise the foundational principle of a free society.

Three Canadians are currently being litigated for exercising their Charter-based right to free expression as we speak.

Nurse Amy Hamm, educator Carolyn Burjoski, and psychologist Jordan Peterson were told to pound sand by their licensing bodies for:

  • saying something dangerous ideologues didn't like, and

  • upholding ethical codes mandated by their respective professional colleges.

"Ethics" are those pesky rules that protect vulnerable people from harm.

Who are the "helping professions" actually helping?

We used to call nursing, teaching, and psychology "the helping professions."

While that is technically still correct, the tricky part is figuring out who they're actually helping.

HINT: It's not patients, students or clients, anymore.

It's talentless ideologues, of course.

Given the circumstances, we'd like to propose some linguistic inventions of our own, using the surnames of the courageous Canadian patron saints of free expression.

Our apologies if this attempt comes across as "Hamm-fisted." (Sorry, Amy).

What is "The Hamm"?

In case you've been dwelling under a rock for the past few years, Amy Hamm is a nurse in British Columbia who had the unadulterated gall to exercise her right to free expression outside of work hours by contributing to the installation of an "I heart JK Rowling" billboard.

Taking our professional colleges to school: Amy Hamm I Heart JK Rowling

Amy Hamm in 2020, publicly declaring her appreciation for a certain author who defends women's sex-based rights.

For these and other possible thought crimes, she's been subjected to three-plus years of disciplinary hearings by the British Columbia College of Nursing and Midwives.

Through it all, she has born the absurdity with unequalled poise and grace, meaning she didn't laugh out loud once during her


For that, we want to make "The Hamm" a noun for the impassive facial expression you maintain when responding to dangerous idiots who are out to destroy you for telling the truth.

Taking our professional colleges to school: The Hamm

Here's an example of how you can use "The Hamm" in your own life:

"Hey guys, I have another DEI training on Tuesday over Zoom. Should I give them 'The Hamm' while citing some irrefutable facts, or should I ask a perfectly reasonable question, instead?"

Do the "Burjoski"

Carolyn Burjoski is an Ontario educator who raised the alarm at a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) meeting when she discovered that pornography was available to elementary school children in school libraries.

SIDE NOTE: We realize that she's not fighting the College of Teachers directly, but we know every school board is under their control.

Burjoski's concerns about child porn in the school library seems reasonable enough for any teacher to raise, given that we entrust our children to them all day long.

And because predators are relentless in their pursuit of victims.

This is what grooming looks like, in graphic novel format:

Taking our professional colleges to school: Image for Gender Queer: A Memoir

Illustration from Gender Queer: A Memoir  a graphic novel by Maia Kobabe. "Maia’s intensely cathartic autobiography charts eir journey of self-identity, which includes... bonding with friends over erotic gay fanfiction, and facing the trauma and fundamental violation of pap smears."

Yes, "eir".

Read it to believe it: Ontario school board cites 'human rights' when allowing explicit book 'Gender Queer' to remain on library shelves against parents' wishes, by Mia Ashton

NOTE: Carolyn Burjoski criticized the age appropriateness of the sexual content in two other books: Rick, by Alex Gino, and The Other Boy by MG Hennessey. But who's counting? Oh, Our Duty Canada is counting. Read their exposé illustrating how "children’s books have become a funnel for queer and gender Ideology."

Teachers are legally mandated to report abuse risks to children by other laws on the books.

Amazingly, the WRDSB thought otherwise and claimed protecting children from grooming and sexual exploitation amounts to "hate."

Let's chew on their extraordinary take for a moment. Kindly pause and think that all the way through.

A Canadian SCHOOL BOARD is enabling access to child porn, while smearing the brave woman who stood up to the predators.

The Board's chair of trustees, Scott Piatkowski immediately employed the usual cancellation M.O. on Burjoski, invoking the Human Rights Code and arguing that her presentation violated their delegation policy. Because wanting to safeguard the children in her care, rather than assist the creepy pervs who are coming for our kids is "hateful."

Taking our professional colleges to school: Waterloo Region District School Board, Committee of the Whole Meeting, January 17, 2022

Screenshot from Waterloo Region District School Board, Committee of the Whole Meeting, January 17, 2022

Fortunately for us, Burjoski was having none of it and took the board to court for defaming her. So far, she's won a victory against the Board's Anti-SLAPP motion, where the judge explicitly stated that her Charter-based right to free expression is still in force. (Duh.)

That's why we're making Burjoski a verb that means "to calmly deflect insane and dangerous rantings with a flick of the wrist."

As in, "Wow when that dude lost his mind last week about his pronouns, you Burjoskied him without missing a beat. Well done."

Taking our professional colleges to school:  The Burjoski

Carolyn Burjoski demonstrates the two-finger wrist flick in: Another Big Legal Win for Free Speech in the Battle Against the School Board!

While "The Hamm" is a tool to adopt whenever necessary, we recommend pulling out "The Burjoski" when things escalate.

KEY POINT: These two techniques can be used in tandem for enhanced effect.

Summon "the Peterson"

Ever heard of Jordan B. Peterson?

In addition to being a storied psychology professor, lecturer, author and podcaster, he's the dude who correctly predicted every bit of chaos that Bill C-16 would wreak upon Canadian society by compelling our speech.

Taking our professional colleges to school: Jordan B  Peterson speaks at Senate Committee on Bill C-16

Professor Peterson talks about the concept of "respect" at Senate Committee on Bill C-16

To thank him, a bunch of academics started calling him Hitler behind closed doors. We know this because a grad student by the name of Lindsay Shepherd recorded them saying it.

In response, he understandably got a bit salty on Twitter/X.

Naturally, a bunch of idiots with too much time on their hands and no real purpose in life, reported him to the College of Psychologists of Ontario for "hate speech" (proving his point about Bill C-16 yet again, how nice of them).

In that light, we christen "The Peterson" as the strategic response you action when it's time to rain intellectual hellfire upon your enemies.

If you've just been caught making logical errors to support an ideological agenda, I'd suggest you admit it and course correct before getting "Peterson-ed," which is a two-step process.

Here's how it works: First, someone who is much, much smarter than you will politely point out your error in logic. Next, after you destroy their life by throwing an insufferable temper tantrum at the feet of your communist overlords, expect "The Peterson" to arrive in short order.

It won't be pretty, but defending oneself against a Marxist agenda run by morons never is.

SIDE NOTE: The fact that his detractors desperately need his services is my favourite part of this dystopian debacle.

Taking our professional colleagues to school: Jordan B. Peterson, Stockholm 2018. Photo: Stefan Jerrevång

Jordan B. Peterson, Stockholm 2018. Photo: Stefan Jerrevång

Bonus word

Having made reference to the badass former Wilfried Laurier University grad student Lindsay Shepherd, I would be remiss to leave her out.

Especially when a name lends itself so perfectly to the task at hand.

"Shepherding" is what you're doing when documenting the facts and evidence required to expose the rotten core of a Canadian institution.

For example, "Those little jerks thought they could fire me and get away with it. Little did they know I've been Shepherding their illegal activities for years."

Together, we'll Shepherd these commies right out the door.

Taking our professional colleagues to school: Diversity and Exclusion by Lindsay Shepherd

"This tell-all book reveals what it’s like to be the central figure of a national controversy." Buy it here.


Reclaim our language, reclaim the country

While we started with the aim of schooling our professional colleges about how off the rails they've strayed, censorship in Canada runs as far and wide as the land itself.

It's time we all paid attention to what's happening and take inspired action à la Hamm, Burjoski, Peterson and Shepherd.

Because nothing frightens a liar more than the truth.



Since this story was submitted to Gender Dissent, Trudeau's Liberals have admitted their failure to convince Parliament that criminalizing Canadians for saying true things about sex and gender on the internet is a good idea.

With its absurdly authoritarian Online Harms Act (Bill C-63), our government actually tried to make saying that a woman is an adult human female and nothing else the same level of criminal as bullying and sexually exploiting a child.

Not only that, but they were intent on enforcing a system whereby citizens could be prosecuted for something they hadn't even said so long as someone was worried that they might say it.

Perhaps recognizing that the voting public probably isn't as down with communism as Chairman Trudeau wants us to be, the Bill has been busted in two.

Said Justice Minister Arif Virani, “What I’m going to do is divide this bill, work on areas where there is consensus and work diligently to find all-party support for doing exactly that as quickly as possible.”


Consider yourself Burjoskied, Minister.

What this actually is, is a last-ditch attempt to try to save face before the entire legislative proposal dies on the order paper when the doors finally slam shut on this cuckoo period in Canadian politics — a period that will be sorely remembered by Canadian women for a very long time.

It was a period that started with the callous annihilation our sex-based rights, and that very nearly ended with those of us intent on upholding the truth bedazzling our ankle monitors while under house arrest.

Taking our professional colleagues to school: Thought Criminal ankle monitor



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